Get Your Content-Writing Game Up — 7 Tips & Tricks

I have always believed there is a writer hidden inside all of us, right? Whether you’re a Content Writer or a Creator or just a lazy human like me, we all get a zillion thoughts & ideas that make us sometimes make us feel good, sometimes bad & sometimes even a genius (I do too πŸ˜›). Some of us get our ideas & thoughts on a Bullet Journal, some just scribble on a paper & I decided to start a blog and slowly I realised, hmm not bad so why not hah? That’s how I started my journey as a Content Writer.

Below, I have mentioned 7 such tips & tricks that I myself used to better my entire procedure of Content Writing & without exaggeration, this has helped me in no time at all. So, I thought of sharing them with you in my very first article to make the journey as easy for you as I can πŸ™‚

Let’s get straight to the point now…..

1. Keep a Running List of Ideas

I say, NO, I insist Think, Watch, Read & Write in whatever you do. Especially, read like it’s your job, write content examples for yourself to brush up your skills. Find your inspiration while consuming your favourite content and keep dumping the ideas in your Notes, Google Doc or even a mock Whatsapp chat to yourself (I do this πŸ™ˆ but it works wonders). Remember, these are JUST ideas and don’t need any formatting or even thinking cuz who’s looking right? When you’ll sit at your comfortable desk setup, or just in your bed with your cosy comfort to actually write these, you won’t have to stress about WHAT TO WRITE.

2. Try Finding The Problem & Fix It

We all can agree on one thing, and that is, coming up with that kickass idea that will blow your readers’ minds. You feel it yea? So I suggest while going through your dump of ideas, try and think What could be that one problem that you or your writing skills can fix? What is it that you’re looking to resolve that a blog could fix? What do you think people like you & me could be Googling for? That’s it, I am sure you know now what your topic should be about. Let’s head to the next step now…

3. Give yourself a deadline & STICK to it

Parkinson’s Law says “Work expands to fill their time allotted to it”. Your brain is very clever, it understands the time you actually have and it surprisingly will actually take that long to finish the work, and that’s what I am asking you to change. Trick your brain, give yourself a deadline to finish what you’re writing and do it in that particular time frame. Use apps such as Toggl Track to see how much it’s taking you to write that one article and accordingly manage your time for the upcoming ones. BONUS BENEFIT — Once you get used to it, It “literally” runs on auto-pilot in every single thing you do (Well, not everything, but you get the point) and by default, you get much more organised with managing your time because let’s face it TIME IS MONEY.

4. What Works for You, Will Work For Others

When you sit in your comfort space to write your piece of content, try relating it to yourself. Be candid & honest about your opinions, suggestions & experiences. Do extensive research to build authority in what you’re saying. As yourself questions like, “Would this work for me?, Does this make sense to me? Does it solve my problem?”. If the answer to your questions is YES, there are very high chances it would do the same for your readers & help build their trust in you & THAT my friend is TREASURE.

5. A Writer’s Secret — Don’t Write & Edit at The Same Time

No exaggeration, but this is a Game Changer. When I started writing & creating content, I was wasting too much time in perfecting each paragraph, each slide, each sentence which was unknowingly affecting the quality of my content & my overall approach in putting my thoughts across. So, just draft what comes to your mind. Let it be messy, it’s totally cool & when you’re finished with that is when you get to refining.

6. Be Precise

Do you prefer reading long reads? I don’t either, I usually hop skip & jump and then eventually lose interest. Just like you & me, people usually don’t have the time to read textbooks. Their eyes look for the key points that can just give them the solution they are looking for. I know you agree. Yes, it’s really crucial to convey your message of course but try to be precise with it & keep it to the point unless you’re doing an informative piece where it requires you to explain it at length.

7. Spend Time Refining

You have now brainstormed, chosen a great idea to write your content on, figured out the problem you want to resolve for your readers & drafted everything you possibly could. Now what? NOW, it’s time to focus on the quality & make sure to refine it in the best way you can. I am mentioning a few key points that you can focus on:

  • Refine the words properly
  • Check the punctuations
  • Check your Grammer
  • And, most importantly make it SEO optimised

SEO Friendly? What's That? I’ll Write But How do I Optimise it? Can Someone Please Helpppp?

Let me know if you would like me to cover this topic in the comments below and I’ll be happy to do that for you.

I hope the above mentioned steps help you when you finally decide to do a write up for your clients or just for your personal blog. I’d be very happy to know about it. Till then STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY 😁
